Last week I was invited to go (with my mom) to the retirement dinner for the teachers and staff of Gloucester County schools. I was invited by Linda Burrell who I wrote about earlier on my blog. She was my wonderful teacher in elementary school for 5 years. I am really going to miss seeing her, but hopefully we will still see her around town and we can also visit each other.
Her teaching assistant, Ruby Gray, also retired this year. She is also very special to me. She helped me a lot through the bad years and good years. Mrs. Burrell and Mrs. Gray never gave up on me.
Also, I want to share a newsletter about my brother Daniel and the other young people he lives with in their foster home in Romania. They were all brought together as a family about 10 years ago from the orphanage that I also had lived in when I was a baby. None of them were ever adopted for a very sad reason. They got infected with HIV from dirty needles and blood transfusions at the orphanage. I was very lucky that I was not infected. They had a hard life in the orphanage, but have a wonderful life now in the Home of Hope, which was founded by a group of people in England, who still support the home. Some of the young people get very sick, but luckily my brother is very healthy. I really want to meet him and my mom says it will happen in the next couple of years. Here is the newsletter. (click on page to make bigger).