Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thanks to Ms. Dupont - a free link to my article (and other great articles!)In Exceptional Parent

From Tina -

For those of you who don't read the comments here on the blog, we have one dedicated reader who very frequently leaves the nicest and most encouraging comments. Here name is Adelaide Dupont. I haven't figured out a way to email her directly so I will thank her publicly here on behalf of Daniela and myself for all of her kind and thoughtful words!

In her last comment she gave an extremely helpful link I was unaware of. My article from Shepherds College is available from the Free Library! You can also freely access many other great articles at the site from Exceptional Parent and, I'm sure, other helpful magazines.

The photos from the article are not available at the site, but you can see many like them at the Shepherds College web-site. There are advertisements at the site but I think that is a reasonable trade-off.

Shepherds College article in Exceptional Parent magazine

Thanks again Ms. Dupont and to all the lovely people who take time to leave comments on Daniela's blog!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Christina and Daniela (at last).

    Ah. When I do things in public, I expect to be thanked in public.

    It would be great to connect fellow Shepherds and Shepherdesses together.

    Saw this blog called Packer fan in Wisconsin and it was by Sierra Ries, who will be in the second year soon. (and she had written on this blog back in September 2010).

    Sierra Ries is a Packer fan in Wisconsin and a Culinary Studies major at Shepherds

    She started her blog last week; it would be great to hear from her in the holidays.

    Her second blog is about the virgins who had Jesus come to them.
