Saturday, July 24, 2010

Great web series on students with disabilities living on their own!

From Tina

Couldn't sleep last night, so got up early and was checking out some new media for families with students with intellectual disabilities. Just found this great series from Great Britain called the "The Specials"

I just ordered the DVD . The previews look amazing and follow a group of roommates with intellectual disabilities who are also college students, several who have Down syndrome. After buying it, I found at you can also watch the series on the web-site! Looks like a great resource to watch with your older children, with disabilities or not, as they think about moving out on their own.

I watched a bit of it this morning, some of it is a little more than PG, so if you are at all concerned you might want to watch it ahead of time before sitting down to watch it with your kids. (British TV series  are often more liberal in their TV broadcasts.)

Enjoy! Let us know what you think of the series!

Sunday - Finally finished watching the whole series. It is amazing! You will fall in love with Sam, Lewis, Hilly, Megan, and Lucy.  Five incredible young people living their lives together and making their dreams come true. The series won two Webby Awards in NYC and and a documentary is to follow on how Hilly's parents developed the plan for these housemates to live on their own. I can't wait! Anyone who has a young adult child with intellectual disabilities will be inspired (and probably a little jealous!) It is my dream for Daniela to live her adult life in just such a situation. Daniela just loves the series as well. It helped her to see just what could be possible for her future!

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