Friday, November 12, 2010

Another Great Article on Shepherds College,more about the program, and other news.

/From Tina - With The Christianity Today Article coming out this week on Shepherds College, this program is becoming much more widely known and talked about. Yesterday this article came out in (click link) Mission Network News.

The college has a Facebook page that details events and daily life for the students. It's great to hear the stories and see photos of all the activities. I know we will really appreciate them next year when Daniela is in them! (For the Shepherds College Facebook page and photos you can go to the college web-site link at: Look in the bottom right hand corner to link to their Facebook page).

They have had lots going on at Shepherds College the past few weeks. Recently they had an accreditation team visit them to assess the program for U.S. Dept. of Education accreditation. Being accredited will mean many great things, first among them that it will allow students to apply for Pell grants, federal college loans, etc. The visit apparently went very, very well. The team was incredibly impressed and the college is now in candidate status and on their way to being fully approved next year!

This week at the college they had their dedication of the new college buildings. It was a very big event with lots of visitors. The students helped prepare the food (which looked incredibly tasty and beautifully prepared and presented). They also help create the gorgeous decorations for the tables. They sang to the audience during the ceremonies as well.

Today they are having another open house like the one we attended in September. This one is much larger than the one we attended. I know how excited those families and students are to see the program. I wish them all the best in their application process. Some of the students visiting today could be Daniela's best friends next year!

I have to say that we are so glad Daniela was accepted before all the recent publicity! I still think she would have been a strong candidate regardless but I also know they are so many talented, eager, independent-minded young adults across the nation who deserve a chance to attend a program like Shepherds College. I hope all of them find the program which best suits their desires and abilities.

In other news, I'm soon going to be writing a review of the documentary Hand Held here on the blog (see the post about Daniela's movie posters) which will accompany the one I wrote for Adoption Today Magazine. That article came out this week in the magazine and I'll provide info on how to buy that issue of the magazine.

Before I close this diverse post, I wanted to let you know that Daniela and I will be traveling to another I'm Determined youth summit (see the post on our trip to Washington DC) in Staunton Virginia this weekend. She was again selected by an essay which she wrote. I will be attending lectures for parents while she attends the student functions. She's thrilled to be going and to be meeting new people. It should be a very informative and exciting event!

Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Keep writing, Daniela and Tina.

    (I do believe you will go somewhere).

    Michelle Dawson passed on an article from one of the UK's big papers, about a Romanian orphan experiencing his first year in Oxford.

    The Romanian Orphan enjoying his first time in Oxford from the TELEGRAPH
