Monday, November 8, 2010

Article in Christianity Today on Shepherds College!

From Tina

The online version of the article on Shepherds College just came out in Christianity Today Magazine. It is  a wonderful description of just why we think Shepherds College is so amazing. When you read the stories about two of the senior students and see how far they have come in their lives, it will truly change your perceptions of individuals with intellectual disabilities. The writer did a great job and students featured are remarkable representatives of the students and the college. I can't wait to buy the print version, because it also has photos.
I wrote an article for  Exceptional Parent Magazine about our visit to the college that will published in December so be sure to look for that as well!!


  1. For a start, I don't toss pens which are broken.

    I value them for the service they give me and their adjunct to my expression.

    Granted, this might be a more sophisticated form of objectification. I would like to think that it is empowerment.

    And of course people with intellectual disability have a strong faith. My perceptions probably needed to be changed there, as there was a spot.

    The history involved is priceless.

    "The poorest post-school outcomes"?

    Substansially separate model?

    "Students identify for themselves what works". Excellent! We see that every day on Facebook and Twitter.

    ""There's one thing we could never provide for him, and that's independence from us."

    There you go! That's one perspective.

    (Some might argue that civil rights to personal growth and development is actually a step backwards - or sideways).

    And it's great to read about the Shepherds-associated person in their 80s.

    (A question about outliving your parents: is it when they die before you, or when you've reached the same age as them when they died?)

    There have been some strong articles in Christianity Today on disability this year (2010). I recommend them as a great resource, to disability ministries and people who want to know and take an interest.

  2. Just as a quick postscript:

    Shepherds College students choose Horticulture or Culinary Studies as a major in their second year?

    (Question, not a statement).

    And what majors might they add in the future?
