Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy Birthday!

From Tina -
21 years ago today, a beautiful little girl was born in Focsani, Romania. She spent her first 15 months in a dreary orphanage with no one to care for her or love her. She is now a beautiful caring young woman who I am proud to call my daughter. Happy birthday Daniela!


  1. Oh, wow!


    Have a splendid 21st, Daniela.

    And, you, Tina, have much credit, for raising this beautiful and caring young woman! And living it up to all she is.

  2. Postscript:

    Isn't it true that back on the 18th December 1989, the European Community (which did not become the European UNION until 1993: and then one of the three pillars) and the Soviet Union signed an agreement?

    (And that by Christmas of 1989, Ceausescu and Elena Ceausecu were assassinated? Now I remember how to spell it: "Caesar's son").

    1989 was a big year. Now that puts things into perspective!

  3. And maybe one day, you'll reconnect to your mother tongue. Here's the best place to start:
