Monday, October 4, 2010

VIsiting my former classroom and and high school teachers!

Today My mom and I went to my old high school. I wanted to tell my teachers the good news about my getting into Shepherds College.  Some of them already knew because they had read my blog and some of them have already emailed me. But I still wanted to go tell them myself. They were very happy and proud of me that I got in. They told me they can't wait to hear how it goes for me when I'm away at school. My teachers helped me so much when I was in high school. I'm going to miss them all when I leave to go to school, but I will stay in touch with them. ( Maybe we can visit on Skype!)

I am going to see if I can do some volunteering in Ms. Shaw's class this year to help her new students. They really liked the cake I baked for them!



making a cake for my teachers

visiting with Ms. Guy and Ms. Elks

sharing my good news with Ms. Wilson

saying hi to Ms. Taylor (Ms. Joyce)

getting a hug from Ms. Shaw (It was crazy hat day!)

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1 comment:

  1. Hat day must have been great fun, Daniela.

    I'm sure the staff would have appreciated their cake.

    Hopefully the students will be inspired to dream big.

    Skype visiting sounds like a great opportunity.
